Sunday, December 11, 2011

i coulda sworn i had a blog for bowling

that i created a blog called botts, aka babbles on the toilet seat, somewhere in my travels through the cyber blogdoms, but it was just not to be found as i looked down the list of blogs so the entry below appears here cuz, well, where else would you put it? (in that blog called botts, of course, whenever it's created, but it's not so there)...

if you really must know, i roughly estimate that i deposited twenty pounds or waste into the porcelain receptacle over this weekend (and it ain’t over yet)… i know way too much tmi, but that’s just one of the exciting features of this blog and what we are here for, after all… on the one hand it is a blessing that this body can still process so much food from healthy to junk in such a short period of time (yay for the holiday season, no doubt) and on the other hand, it is a cuse that this body does not get sick enough to make me stop such ridiculously suicidal (but ever so fun) pig-out binges of culinary and oral self-indulgence (check out white wolf cafĂ© next time you are in town… yes, a restaurant review right here in botts, can i get any more . . . oh, fill in your own description term this time, will ya?)….

nyuk nyuk, narf :)

no barf :)